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Vulkan SC Graphics and Compute

CoreAVI has developed a safety critical graphics and compute driver called VkCore® SC, which is aligned with the new Vulkan SC API from the Khronos Group. VkCore SC is designed and developed from the ground up for high performance and flexibility and offers the option for RTCA DO-178C/EUROCAE ED-12C certification up to DAL A, ISO 26262-1:2018 ASIL D, and IEC 61508 SIL3 certification. The driver supports multiple GPU architectures allowing the developer to migrate their safety critical software stack seamlessly across different silicon implementations dramatically increasing flexibility, scalability and reducing the overall total cost of ownership for safety systems.

Legacy applications are also supported through OpenGL SC 1.0.1 and Open GL SC 2.0 libraries called VkCoreGL® SC 1 and VkCoreGL® SC 2 running on top of Vulkan, allowing OpenGL applications to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of Vulkan while transitioning from OpenGL to Vulkan. This allows for performance improvements and the addition of differentiating features to existing applications. VkCore SC incorporates support for GPU compute, multicore partitioning, compositing capabilities, video capture, GPU virtualization and hypervisor RTOS capabilities to support mixed criticality systems.

VkCore SC is the foundation of CoreAVI’s Platforms for Safety Critical Applications, addressing the needs of any safe graphics and compute applications across all market verticals. The product suite is available with the DO-178C/ED-12C safety certification packages required for avionics applications, as well as an ISO 26262-1:2018 ASIL D or IEC 61508 SIL 3 Safety Packages for automotive or industrial platforms.

Please contact us at for more details.

For more information on Vulkan, please visit the Khronos Group’s website.

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