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Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. Announces Complete Safety Critical Product Portfolio Support – Including Graphics, Video, Virtualization, Security, and COTS-D – for AMD Embedded Radeon™ E9171 GPU

Embedded World, 2018, Nuremburg, Germany – February 27, 2018 – Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”) announced today its software and hardware support for the AMD Embedded Radeon™ E9171 discrete graphics processing unit (GPU). CoreAVI is offering the AMD Embedded Radeon E9171 GPU complemented by a full suite of ArgusCore™ SC OpenGL® driver library suites, EncodeCore™ and DecodeCore™ video drivers, HyperCore™ GPU virtualization manager, TrueCore™ GPU safety monitor, and SecureCore™ information assurance tool. The Radeon E9171 GPU is available from CoreAVI in temperature-screened versions and is supported with full RTCA DO-178C / EUROCAE ED-12C certification packages up to Design Assurance Level (DAL) A, and long term program supply management. The Radeon E9171 GPU is also offered on CoreAVI’s Commercial-Off-the-Shelf-Design (COTS-D) modules which are DO-254/4761 safety certifiable up to DAL A and targeted at small form factor platforms requiring robust graphics capabilities.

The AMD Embedded Radeon E9171 is a member of the Radeon Embedded E9170 Series and was the first “Polaris” architecture-based AMD Embedded discrete GPU available in multi-chip module (MCM) format. By offering power efficiency and advanced performance in a small footprint, and support for up to five independent displays simultaneously running in 4K resolution, the AMD Embedded Radeon E9171 is an ideal choice for high-performance, thermally-constrained embedded systems. Designed for use in a wide variety of embedded and safety critical platforms, CoreAVI’s graphics and hardware products are certifiable up to Design Assurance Level A, enabling system manufacturers to harness the full capabilities of the AMD Embedded Radeon E9171 GPU, including 4 GB of integrated video memory, multiple independent display outputs, and 4K H.265 and H.264 decoders and encoders[1].

“As GPU technology continues to evolve, we continue to expand our product families and invest in technology development that enables our customers with the best the industry has to offer in safety critical, high performance core graphics capabilities,” said Damian Fozard, CEO of CoreAVI. “CoreAVI is excited to enable our customers with safety critical graphics drivers in conjunction with our temperature screened version of the AMD Embedded Radeon™ E9171 GPU and supporting range of safety critical hardware and graphics products.“

“AMD and CoreAVI have enjoyed a strong, rewarding partnership through many successful military and aerospace programs over many years,” said Stephen Turnbull, Director of Product Marketing, Datacenter and Embedded Solutions Business Group, AMD. “Our long history of collaboration with CoreAVI gives us confidence that their support for our AMD Embedded Radeon E9171 GPU will be a productive endeavor for both companies.”

For more information, please contact CoreAVI.

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Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

About Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”), a Channel One company, is a global leader in providing products and services designed to enable complete solutions for safety critical applications. A supplier of real-time and safety-critical graphics and video drivers, compute drivers, “program ready” embedded graphics processors, and DO-254/ED-80 certifiable COTS hardware IP, CoreAVI’s suite of products enables commercial GPUs, SoC components, and COTS hardware designs to meet the requirements of long-term high-reliability and safety-critical embedded systems with long-term support. CoreAVI’s products may be purchased with certification data kits for the most stringent levels of RTCA DO-254/DO-178C and EUROCAE ED-80/ED-12C.  AMD, the AMD logo, Radeon, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [1] HEVC (H.265), H.264, and VP9 acceleration are subject to and not operable without inclusion/installation of compatible HEVC players.

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