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CoreAVI Extends Availability and Enhances Its GPU Compute Software Support for the AMD E9171 GPU for the Aerospace & Defense Industry

Tampa, Florida, June 18, 2024: CoreAVI announced today that it has released enhancements to its accelerated compute framework to further facilitate use of the AMD E9171 Radeon™ GPU capabilities and has extended the availability of the AMD E9171 Radeon™ GPU for the aerospace and defense markets. CoreAVI continues to invest in the product portfolio and has collaborated with AMD to ensure extended availability of this proven and popular discrete GPU for the military and aerospace markets.  With established flight worthiness and long-term program supply, the E9171 power-efficient, compact GPU provides scalable compute and graphics capabilities while meeting the SWaP (size, weight, power) constraints of high reliability embedded systems.

The E9171 GPU paired with CoreAVI’s open standards-based Safe AI suite facilities safety critical compute, AI and machine learning capabilities. CoreAVI’s VkCore® SC Vulkan® SC™ graphics and compute product suite supports all MOSA requirements, is aligned with the latest FACE specification and operates with commonly used real time operating systems.

CoreAVI offers an extended temperature-screened version of the AMD Radeon Embedded E9171 GPU-based module along with DAL A certification evidence to support the needs of safety critical avionics and other high reliability system manufacturers. The Radeon E9171 provides higher performance compared to the predecessor AMD Radeon™ E8860, with H.265 video encode/decode capabilities and 4 GB integrated memory (double that of the AMD Radeon E8860) all in a lower power footprint, making it ideal for embedded applications.

“The AMD E9171 discrete GPU is used in the most advanced avionics systems globally and continues to be a very popular option to be deployed by our customers that require high reliability and safety certification.  The E9171 GPU remains an integral part of our mil/aero product portfolio. CoreAVI is pleased to extend our longevity of supply to further support our customer’s critical programs,” said Dan Joncas, Deputy CEO at CoreAVI.

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About CoreAVI

CoreAVI is the global leader in architecting and delivering safety critical graphics and compute software drivers and libraries, embedded ‘system on chip’ and discrete graphics processor components, and certifiable platform hardware IP. CoreAVI’s comprehensive software suite enables development and deployment of complete safety critical solutions for automotive, industrial and aerospace applications requiring certification to the highest integrity levels coupled with full lifecycle support. CoreAVI’s solutions support both graphics and compute applications including safe autonomy, machine vision and AI in the automotive, unmanned vehicle and industrial IoT markets, as well as commercial and military avionics systems.

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