DDC-I Announces OpenGL SC DO-178 Level A Avionics Display Technology for Deos Safety-Critical RTOS
Embedded avionics display software brings high-performance OpenGL graphics and streaming video to avionics systems running Deos
Phoenix, AZ. May 7, 2013. DDC-I, a leading supplier of software and professional services for mission- and safety-critical applications, today announced the availability of the high performance AMD Radeon™ E4690 GPU and Core Avionics & Industrial, Inc’s (CoreAVI) OpenGL SC display software for DDC-I’s Deos™ safety-critical real-time operating system. Avionics systems running Deos can now utilize the AMD Radeon™ E4690 GPU and CoreAVI driver to deliver high-performance embedded OpenGL 2D/3D graphics and streaming video in a scalable, certifiable, package. The CoreAVI software comes with a complete DO-178C Level A certification package, which is fully integrated with Deos.
“Safety-critical avionics developers utilizing Deos can now take full advantage of CoreAVI’s versatile high-performance display capabilities with a “program ready” AMD Radeon™ GPU that is pre-screened for extended temperature mil-aero applications and comes with a 20+ year component supply guarantee,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing and product management at DDC-I.
“AMD is excited to see DDC-I’s Deos safety critical real time operating system enabled to take advantage of the advanced graphics capabilities of AMD Embedded Radeon Graphics” said Kamal Khouri, director of embedded products at AMD. “The combination of CoreAVI’s program ready solutions, industry proven DDC-I Deos safety critical RTOS and AMD’s high-end embedded graphics offers a compelling and low risk solution to the avionics display systems market.”
“Deos provides an excellent safety-critical platform for hosting our advanced display technology, which features high-performance OpenGL ES and OpenGL SC graphics drivers optimized for resource constrained mil-aero applications,” added Lee Melatti, CEO at CoreAVI. “CoreAVI is fully integrated with Deos and takes advantage of innovative Deos features like slack scheduling and cache partitioning to achieve optimal display performance on target systems.”
Available as an extended temperature screened component through CoreAVI, the AMD Radeon™ E4690 is a high-performance GPU with scalable power/performance (8W to 25W) that delivers 3x the performance of previous generation GPUs. Equipped with 512 Mbytes of on-chip GDDR3 memory, the 600-MHz GPU features a DirectX multimedia API, dual HD video streaming, Shader Model 4.0, and H.264, VC-1, and MPEG-2 video decoding. Video interfaces include analog RGB, analog TV, DVI, Display Port, HDI, LVDS, and DVO.
Deos is a safety-critical embedded RTOS that has been certified to DO-178 DAL A since 1998. Featuring deterministic real-time response, the time and space partitioned RTOS employs patented ‘slack scheduling’ to deliver higher CPU utilization than any other certifiable safety- critical COTS RTOS. Deos is built from the ground up for safety-critical applications, and is the only certifiable time and space partitioned COTS RTOS that has been created using RTCA DO-178, Level A processes from the very first day of its product development. Deos also provides the easiest, lowest cost path of any COTS RTOS to DO-178 Level A certification, the highest level of safety criticality.
About DDC-I, Inc.
DDC-I, Inc. is a global supplier of real-time operating systems, software development tools, custom software development services, and legacy software system modernization solutions, with a primary focus on mission- and safety-critical applications. DDC-I’s customer base is an impressive “who’s who” in the commercial, military, aerospace, and safety-critical industries. DDC-I offers safety-critical real-time operating systems, compilers, integrated development environments and run-time systems for C, C++, Ada, Fortran and JOVIAL application development. For more information regarding DDC-I products, contact DDC-I at 4600 E. Shea Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85028; phone (602) 275-7172; fax (602) 252-6054; e-mail sales@ddci.com or visit http://www.ddci.com/mktg.php?mc=pr1303.
About CoreAVI
Core Avionics and Industrial Inc (CoreAVI), a Channel One company, provides “program ready” embedded graphics and video processors to mil-aero and high reliability embedded systems manufacturers. A worldwide provider of AMD graphics processors and APU products, CoreAVI provides 20+ year supply management, temperature-screened versions of the AMD Radeon™ E4690 graphics processor and embedded graphics drivers to enable AMD graphics support for real time operating systems. Additionally, CoreAVI provides program support with DO-254 and DO-178B/C (up to Design Assurance Level A) certification evidence for safety critical environments.
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