CoreAVI completes delivery of its OpenGL SC driver and DO-178C certification package to Cobham Aerospace Communications
Tampa, Florida, October 7, 2013. Core Avionics & Industrial Inc (“CoreAVI”), a Channel One company announced today that it has completed final delivery of its DO-178C Level C certification package for its OpenGL SC graphics driver to Cobham Aerospace Communications, Prescott, AZ. Anticipated to be the first ever completed DO-178C project, CoreAVI offers a variety of certification packages for its OpenGL SC graphics drivers including support for EASA ED-12C and FAA DO-178C up to Design Assurance Level A.
Fully integrated with industry-leading Wind River VxWorks® 653 Platform real-time operating system and aligned with the latest Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) technical specification, CoreAVI’s suite of safety critical OpenGL drivers, DO-178C and DO-254 component dataset, and 20 year component supply programs enables Cobham with a low risk, high performance, platform-scalable avionics graphics solution. Cobham leads the industry with a DO-178C certifiable OpenGL SC graphics driver based system capable of addressing both the legacy DO-178B and the new DO-178C certification standards via their AS252 Airborne Server and AR252 Airborne Router.
“Cobham carefully evaluated the OpenGL software drivers and GPUs available on the market and we selected CoreAVI’s extended temperature screened AMD Radeon GPU and OpenGL drivers for its power-performance scalability and proven market adoption,” said Matt Sweaney, Director, Product Management at Cobham Aerospace Communications. “The integrated technologies and certification packages provided by CoreAVI and Wind River allow Cobham to deliver scalable interoperable graphics display systems to its customers worldwide that may be enhanced and supported for many years.”
“CoreAVI’s DO-178C OpenGL driver certification package delivered to Cobham is believed to be the first DO-178C/ED-12C completed project” said Marty Gasiorowski, FAA DER and President of Worldwide Certification Services.
“Wind River is excited about the successful certification delivery for Cobham Aerospace Communications. Wind River continuously works closely with its key partners, such as CoreAVI, to lower integration costs, ensure an easy migration path for new technology adoption and successful avionics certification programs,” states Chip Downing, Senior Director of Aerospace and Defense at Wind River.
“CoreAVI invests upfront in the development of program ready solutions, software, certification and 20 year component supply to enable its customers, such as Cobham, with long term re-use of their technology investment” said Dan Joncas, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at CoreAVI. “Cobham has proven to be an innovative leader and is armed with the right technologies to deliver future generation certified display systems.”
About Core Avionics & Industrial Inc
Core Avionics & Industrial Inc (“CoreAVI”), a Channel One company, provides “program ready” embedded graphics and video processors to mil-aero and high reliability embedded systems manufacturers. A worldwide provider of AMD graphics processors and SoC products, CoreAVI’s products include 20+ year supply management, temperature-screened versions of the AMD graphics and SoC processors and embedded graphics drivers to enable AMD Radeon™ graphics support for real time operating systems. CoreAVI’s program support includes FAA DO-254 and DO-178C (up to Design Assurance Level A) certification evidence for safety critical environments. www.coreavi.com
CoreAVI and the CoreAVI logo are trademarks of Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. All other trademarks, product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
About Cobham
Cobham specializes in meeting the demand for data, connectivity and bandwidth in defense, security and commercial environments. Offering a technically diverse and innovative range of technologies and services, the Group protects lives and livelihoods, responding to customer needs with agility that differentiates it. The most important thing we build is trust. Employing more than 10,000 people on five continents, the Group has customers and partners in over 100 countries.