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Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. Announces the Industry’s First Commercial Off the Shelf Safety Certifiable Hardware Design IP (COTS-D) for Mil/Aero/Avionics Markets.

Hardware IP Solutions to Military and Civil Avionics Markets

Tampa, Florida Oct 31, 2017. Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”) announces the availability of the industry’s first COTS Hardware Design IP solutions which are certifiable to DO-254/ED-80, as part of a complete safety critical solution including comprehensive DO-178C software support.

CoreAVI’s hardware solutions are offered as Commercial-Off-The-Shelf-Designs (COTS-D) in the form of Intellectual Property, packaged in industry standard form factors.  This unique approach to providing certifiable hardware solutions provides a significant time to market advantage through a reduced development cycle and greater flexibility in meeting the unique needs of individual customers and their programs.

The COTS-D IP solutions can be manufactured by the customer’s own facility or at a Contract Manufacturing (CM) partner, making greater use of existing resources, investments and capabilities to significantly lower the overall lifetime costs of the program. Alternatively, if a customer chooses not to implement a manufacturing strategy, the customer can obtain the same COTS-D certifiable solution as a completed assembly through one CoreAVI’s traditional COTS hardware partners.

With CoreAVI’s COTS-D IP available at a much lower cost than ground up development, customers and traditional COTS suppliers alike are able to access full certifiable solutions with smaller investments and at lower risk than previously possible. Furthermore, where a system or program has unique requirements, customers can use the IP as a baseline to create a unique and differentiated solution specific to their needs or application.

COTS-D products include the complete set of DO-254 artifacts required to support certification of the system up to the most stringent Design Assurance Level (DAL) A levels.  With prototype hardware available to support development, COTS-D products offer a fast, low risk approach to building DO-254 safety critical compliant systems.

The first in a series of new Safety Certifiable hardware design IP includes an industry standard 3U VPX Single Board Computer based on the NXP T1042 CPU and a compatible VITA 61 XMC graphics module based on the latest AMD E9171 Graphics Processor. Both module designs are developed to DO-254/ED-80 DAL A compliant processes and are offered in the same rugged -40 to +85°C card edge temperature range as traditional COTS products, making them compatible with existing systems and solutions.

To further reduce the cost, risks and Time to Market for customers, CoreAVI is using its extensive DO-178C safety critical software expertise along with our industry partners, to provide a full suite of supporting software for the COTS-D products, and a single source for all of the software and hardware components required.

CoreAVI can provide complete Board Support Packages, and in some cases the full operating system development environment itself, along with safety certifiable OpenGL SC 1.0.1, OpenGL SC 2.0 and Vulkan graphics drivers, video and compute drivers, safety monitors and other software components required for a complete solution. As all components are sourced and integrated by CoreAVI, the time and complexity typically experienced when integrating products from multiple suppliers is removed, reducing schedule, cost and risk.

“The increased focus on the safety in military and other platforms has made safety critical hardware and software solutions incredibly important,” said Damian Fozard, CEO of CoreAVI. “The COTS-D strategy is the first of its kind in the aerospace and defense industry; it provides a new approach to safety certifiable hardware cost, manufacturing, and delivery that the customer can tailor to their exact needs. Combined with a complete suite of safety certifiable software components, a complete certifiable solution becomes affordable and accessible to a much wider audience, driving down costs for the end customers.”

In an environment where cost is critical, the COTS-D solutions focus on the needs and capabilities of the customer, allowing dramatic cost savings to be realised in any application where even low volumes are required.

For more information, please contact CoreAVI.

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Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

About Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”​), a Channel One company, is a global leader in providing products and services designed to enable complete solutions for safety critical applications. A supplier of real-time and safety-critical graphics and video drivers, compute drivers, “program ready”​ embedded graphics processors, and DO-254/ED-80 certifiable COTS hardware IP, CoreAVI’s suite of products enables commercial GPUs, SoC components, and COTS hardware designs to meet the requirements of long-term high-reliability and safety-critical embedded systems with long-term support.  CoreAVI’s products may be purchased with certification data kits for the most stringent levels of RTCA DO-254/DO-178C and EUROCAE ED-80/ED-12C.

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