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Cockpit_Compositor PR 15Oct2017

Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. Announces the Availability of the Industry’s First FACE-aligned Safety Certifiable Graphics Compositor Engine

Tampa, Florida Oct 17, 2017. Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”) announces the immediate availability of the industry’s first FACE-aligned EGL_EXT_compositor extension for their ArgusCore SC1 and ArgusCore SC2 graphics driver families, which are supersets of Khronos’ OpenGL SC 1.0.1 and OpenGL SC 2.0 respectively.

The EGL_EXT_compositor is an additional module that can be added to CoreAVI’s ArgusCore SC1 and SC2 graphics driver library suites, which provides safety critical graphics capabilities up to the most stringent certifiability levels including FAA/EASA Design Assurance Level (DAL) A. It also supports the Wind River® FACE conformant real-time operating system (RTOS), VxWorks® 653, that also has FAA/EASA DAL A safety certification evidence. The EGL_EXT_compositor not only facilitates complex overlapping as well as blended graphics and video windowing, but can also be used to support mixed levels of safety certification amongst various independent partitions drawing to the same display, making it an ideal choice for high reliability and safety critical multicore display systems.

The EGL_EXT_compositor extension minimizes application effort by enabling composition of multiple windows within a multi-partition or hypervisor-based graphics system. It allows for off-screen asynchronous updates and ensures information assurance by preventing any non-primary contexts and surfaces from rendering to the display. The compositor enables management and control of GPU allocation to specific contexts, including how much GPU memory a specific application is permitted to use, and allows each application to draw into its own off-screen window, which provides a level of security that ensures one application won’t be overwritten with other applications’ video data.

“CoreAVI is excited to be the world’s first company to offer a FACE-aligned safety critical compositor engine,” said Damian Fozard, CEO of CoreAVI. “With the growing need for multiple independent safety certifiable applications to share displays at one time, our compositor enables complex windowing management seamlessly and effectively.”

“Wind River is honored to be the first platform to support this innovative graphics solution,” said Chip Downing, senior director of aerospace and defense at Wind River. “This solution perfectly augments our certified FACE conformant RTOS, VxWorks 653, and increases the capability for our joint customers in both military and commercial certified avionics deployments.”

For more information, please contact CoreAVI.

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Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

About Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”), a Channel One company, is a global leader in providing products and services designed to enable complete solutions for safety critical applications. A supplier of real-time and safety-critical graphics and video drivers, compute drivers, “program ready” embedded graphics processors, and DO-254/ED-80 certifiable COTS hardware IP, CoreAVI’s suite of products enables commercial GPUs, SoC components, and COTS hardware designs to meet the requirements of long-term high-reliability and safety-critical embedded systems with long-term support. CoreAVI’s products may be purchased with certification data kits for the most stringent levels of RTCA DO-254/DO-178C and EUROCAE ED-80/ED-12C.

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