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Airbus Defence and Space to deploy CoreAVI’s DO-178C certifiable graphics solutions in their latest high performance situational awareness display products utilizing AMD embedded Radeon™ graphics processors

Tampa, Florida, U.S. January 5, 2015. Airbus Defence and Space has selected Core Avionics & Industrial’s (CoreAVI) AMD Embedded Radeon OpenGL SC and OpenGL ES 2.0 driver suite, DO-254 GPU and DO-178C driver certification packages to be used in their latest safety certified avionics display system for situational awareness application for commercial and military aviation. The high performance graphics processing system of Airbus Defence and Space includes support for real time operating systems and safety critical operation with OpenGL graphics and complete DO-254, DO-178C and ED-12C certification artifacts.
Building on the vast successful deployments and pedigree of the AMD Radeon™ graphics processor family into the avionics market, Airbus Defence and Space has designed a turnkey safety certifiable graphics display system designed to enable rapid deployment and safety critical avionics certification. Utilizing CoreAVI’s suite of OpenGL graphics drivers, the display product of Airbus Defence and Space offers highly scalable power-performance configurations to address a wide range of display applications for helicopters and aircraft. Initially certified to ED-12C Level C, Airbus and CoreAVI’s product alignment includes comprehensive customer support throughout the DO-254 and DO-178C certification process, including all certification artifacts required for regulatory approval by aviation agencies such as the FAA, EASA, and Transport Canada.

“Airbus Defence and Space is at the forefront of situational awareness application, including obstacle warning system, and it is gratifying to have the opportunity to support them in their efforts to advance cockpit avionics systems,” said Scott Aylor, Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Embedded Solutions at AMD. “AMD is committed to the embedded graphics market and with the adoption of our technology by firms like Airbus Defence and Space, we believe the future of the avionics market is very well served.”

“CoreAVI is excited to announce their support for Airbus Defence and Space latest avionics display program,” stated Lee Melatti, President at CoreAVI. “We anticipate working with Airbus Defence and Space to enhance and further their avionics products long into the future.”

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Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

About Core Avionics & Industrial Inc.

Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (“CoreAVI”), a Channel One company, provides “program ready” embedded graphics and video processors and advanced graphics solutions to mil-aero and high reliability embedded systems manufacturers. CoreAVI’s products include 20+ year component supply management, temperature-screened versions of the AMD Radeon™ graphics processors and embedded graphics driver support for real time operating systems and safety critical platforms. CoreAVI’s program support includes complete RTCA DO-178C / EUROCAE ED-12C Level A safety critical certification evidence for safety critical environments.

CoreAVI and the CoreAVI logo are trademarks of Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. All other trademarks, product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

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