CoreAVI prides itself on providing our customers with safety critical solutions. Our safety certification support for our Platforms for Safety Critical Applications (PSCA) includes data packages for DO-254/ED-80 and DO-178C/ED-12C avionics certifications to DAL A, as well as Safety Packages and certification for ISO 26262-1:2018 and IEC 61508 applications. We work with avionics DERs and accredited independent assessment authorities to provide safety critical assessment.
CertCore™178 DO-178C/ED-12C
CoreAVI provides the following items in the DO-178C certification data kit:

CertCore™254 DO-254/ED-80
CoreAVI provides the following items in the DO-254 certification data kit:

CertCore™ 26262/61508
The CertCore™ 26262/61508 package contains an extensive set of support collateral that accelerates safety system design that needs to meet the stringent requirements of the ISO 26262-1:2018 and IEC61508 safety certification standards. It includes the Safety Manual, Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA), Safety Assessment Report and Certificate. These packages have been developed to complement the associated underlying hardware take a Safety Element out of Context (SEooC)/ Compliant Item approach that enables the developer to confidently design systems that are certifiable.